Acceptance of Terms
By using our services, you agree to these terms.
Featured Deal
You can click on the "Get you app featured" button if you want your app/deal to be shown at the top of the page. The featured deal will also be highlighted in the grid that will make it stand out from the rest.
Getting Listed
You can submit your app to be listed on our website, however, we reserve the right to approve or reject any submission.
- The app must be a Mac app.
- The discount must be real and not fake.
- The discount must not be contingent upon actions such as liking, sharing, or following on social media.
- The app must be live in production and not in development.
Promo Codes supports four types of offers: Free, Discount, Black Friday Deal, and Promo Codes. While the first three are straightforward, promo codes can have different interpretations depending on the context.
- Each promo code is unique and once claimed, it cannot be claimed by another user.
- A user can only claim one promo code per deal.
- A user can view the promo code only once when they claim it.
- All promo codes for a deal are revealed to the public 12 hours after the last promo code is claimed.
Service Modifications
We may update our services and terms at any time.
User Responsibilities
Users must comply with all applicable laws while using our services.
Limitation of Liability
We are not liable for any indirect damages arising from the use of our services.